Name: Ophelia Sylvia Thomas @ophelia_sylvia
Location: Fitzroy
Occupation: Et Al Operations Manager
Ideal first date
He’d turn up with a dozen dried roses, then we’d get take-out and skate to the park for a romantic evening of LARPing (Live Action Role Paying).
What is something no-one knows about you?
I began tattooing my own legs; it started as a result of procrastinating uni work late at night. Now it has turned into a weird experiment of transferring my drawings onto my skin.
Who do you look to for inspiration?
Vivienne Westwood, she is one hell of a woman! She’s the main reason I stay in fashion, I feel you need a strong purpose or goal to be in this industry or you may as well sell your soul. I am determined to change the way people think and consume clothing. “Buy less, choose well, make it last.”- Vivienne Westwood